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Amazing work! Love the giant guys and I'm excited for the next update!

is the update out yet?


No updates since last year.

lol, patience my friend

(1 edit) (+3)

Hi! I am glad that there is so much interest in my little game. I am also sorry for the time it takes to create. There will be a massive update hopefully out pretty soon. The main part being the ability to play as a giantess. I am working on it so dont worry, it is not abandoned or anything like that. I just want to make it fun and not too rushed, here is a little pic from the game, she kind of drops a tiny person to her doom. ( In full screen you can see it, too bad tiny people are tiny)

Can you PLEASE send me a picture of the furry giantess?

Is that possible to have even huger giants, or, mega class giants?

It is possible but with some limitations. A giant can be so big that it is outside the draw distance making only the legs visible. There is ways around this but then the problem is framerate. So yes it is possible in some scenarios. Depends on what kind of scene it is in.

I'm a fan of the super huge one that breaks the bridge during the old highway level. She served as a little scripted cutscene element and only existed for a small amount of time so she wasn't super taxing on the game.

Yes that kind of huge is not a problem, I thought we talked about even larger :D Like when her foot is larger then the city or something.

your  game is amazin how is the next to update and please  contac me to date of update          you can add store in the game when you play recieve coins and whit coins buys gigantess?

(1 edit) (-1)

Could you perhaps give us a timeline for the game?

Hi! Giving a timeline is very hard to do since this is just a spare time project for me after work and studies. But what I am working on now is:
1. A level with sort of first contact with the alien levels where they invade your city and you and a friend must escape on the highway.

2. Being able to controll the giantess and make the world your sandbox. But with a twist to add gameplay elements. Spent a few hours today creating a controller with camera for the giant. Lots of lines of codes has been written.

3. Changing all humans into more detailed models and adding lots of animations to make it look better as well as general improvements.

4. Creating a city with all destroyable buildings and environment that is not going to kill framerate. This is a lot of work having to create this from scratch.

When this is done I can not tell because I dont want to make promises I cant hold. I can make an update right now but I want it to be significantly different then the last one. So in a few weeks you can expect a major update to Flattened.

It is really nice to know that people enjoy Flattened. Thank you for all support! :)

The reason I'm supporting is because you are one of the last developers left that still develop these kinds of games and I dont want you to disappear too. I don't think any of us do

This is great stuff. I continue to support you towards these goals.

Wow , that is an amazing amount of work! Thank you for all that you do, this definitely is support-worthy~ And indeed, I also would hate to see you go!

Besides on the land armies are at the front... What about navies???

How about a combat scenario?

I think there are some Bioloks cultists which they are human instead of giants... They are considered ‘traitors’ of human race.

I second the navy idea. A level on a boat or naval aircraft carrier floating out on the sea as a giant rises from the sea would be a good scenario.

Thanks @dannyboi7

Another screnario idea:

The Leviathan

Somehow Bioloks has developed new giants that can breath underwater.

And three of them are approaching towards the underwater fortress Leviathan that hides the secret weapon.

Fight them before it’s too late.

Thanks for all suggestions! I like the idea with the navy, It is on the list now :D

(3 edits)

Well well well, amazing.

However I hope some old levels such as Highway Bridge and Desert Lab plus the Rally Race return to the game.

As well as I hope to have a vaiety of giantess/giants.

I do mean a wider variety.

Thanks! Those levels will probably return in a different form and yes more giants is coming up as well :)

Hey! How's progress going on the next update? Will it be released soon and what are the new features you are adding? :)

Hi! I think I can have an update out pretty soon. The update contains a new level, some fixes with the fog and so on. This is a pic from the new level. Also working on you playing as the giant but that will be a little ways in the future.

Looks amazing!

hello, what a beautiful game!!! congratulations!!  But will it be possible to control the giant/ess in the future? 

Have a nice Week end!

Thank you! I am working on making that happen. Still on prototype stage but in the future yes :)

nice!! have fun!!

hello, just wanted to leave a few thoughts and say wow, what a a great game love the booming foot stwps and different sizes of the characters. i like the idea of the new curvy character but she looks a little to plump for my liking any chance u could make her curvy but have a thin waist. also for some reason she has glowing yellow eyes. other than that just add more characters or the highway level back, this game is awesome thanks for everything.

Thanks! Yes there is more things like that coming up :)

Fantastic work! Looking forward to seeing what sorts of things you cook up - especially if you bring back vore into the game and maybe some more giant/giantess models (though, I'm a bit biased towards the giant men, myself haha).


Thank you! Yes vore is coming back and lots of stuff

Do you know when you are going to add Vore?

crate new giant

Would it be possible to see more background characters like in the old overpass/bridge escape level? It helped it really feel like an alien invasion. Or maybe like the characters in the obstacle race who lay around the map. This could be a problem though for people who like to customize their giant.

That is possible. We will get more characters in the game

I second this. The overpass scene was one of my favorites by far. It was great.

is it done yet


Heels of the giantess...

(1 edit)

The sexy movements of the woman has become absolutely awesome, maybe this is the beginning of a VR game and you move then later via VR glasses in the area of an adventure. the graphics are very good. I like the game very much ...
Can you make the Crushing Scene in a short vid clip, review?, when you walk and suddenly she comes with her heels
and u are being crushed,the cam turns around and you see yourself beeing crushed by the sexy giantess lady:)

Love this! I hope some day a sort of free rampage feature can be added, where you can just have the camera follow around a giantess as they wreck a city on autopilot.  Sorta like the suburb level, but the camera follows them instead of the player.  Again, great work!

Thank you! That is not a bad idea! I have written it down :) 

Thank you for replying!

Yeah, that would be great...  Especially different angles, from up high and down low~ 

think you can also make is so you can play as the giant or giantess?


Yes that is a plan for the future :)


(1 edit)

Funny game, nice job Zsansubar :P :D

Thank you! :) And good job for getting so many people crushed :D  Love the video!

Love the new update! In the new level, the distance fog is a bit wonky - the giant is basically totally white unless you're right beside it, I think it should be more visible with its colours from a farther distance

Also, I think it would be more challenging if the giant in the evacuation level simply walked around, stop sometimes, have a stomping animation, then continue.

Thanks! I will have a look at the fog, it can be a lot better :) Thanks for the feedback!

this game is amazing, and great update!! Any chance u will be adding nudity in the future?

Thank you! Glad you like it :) Well it is possible, but I have to make sure it doesnt violate the terms of this page :)

that would be amazing if you could!! Thanks for looking into it and keep up the great work!

Just wanted to say thank you for being so awesome! :3 

This is pretty much the only thing like it on the web. 

Thank you! I really appreciate that :)

Im having issues trying to unzip the file  and downloading applications to unzip it are causing my laptop to run slow :'(

Is there a way you can make it a launcher again please

Yes I can do a launcher. Coming right up!

I would like to point out the fact that when I downloaded the setup and tried to run it, windows stopped me, I have never had this issue before so this intrigued me. I don't want to run it, but I have a small request, this may be hard to do, but could you put the game into a zip file instead of an installer? I find zip files a lot easier to use

The next update I can release both an installer and a zip version. Thanks for the feedback!

can we get a hint on when the new update is coming

It is out now :)

Game has potential.  I am hoping for more levels,  more effects ... footprints more things that can be stepped on.  

Here are a list of bugs i found so far.

1) flattened cars can be pushed by people
2) flattened cars sometimes stand straight up, (they are climbable when this happens)
3) settings don't save
4) game spawns player improperly sometimes (hard to repeat) Looks like it spawns at the end?
5) can't change settings after you die.  There is also two main menu buttons. Appears to be a menu issue.

Could you let the gts wear chooseable sexy heels in the next update ? its a great game!!!


Glad you like the game! Not in the next update but I am planning to include  a giantess creator so you can costomize your own giantess.

I just tried it on mac as well, upon opening it says: The application "Flattened for MAC" can't be opened.

Thanks! I am removing it until I can get it fixed :)

(1 edit)

Hey, for the windows version (or all versions), would it be too much trouble to see if you could fix an issue with the window size? If you play in say 400x300, it doesnt show the full screen, the buttons are off-screen and you can't do anything. Can it be resized to fit the window? Just asking. ^^ Thanks for your work!

Btw I love the companion type modes! They're really creative! :D

Thank you for the feedback! I will fix that. Glad you like it!

(2 edits)

Thanks for the quick reply! Hope the fix isn't too much trouble. 

The game is also running so much more smoothly then last time I downloaded it a couple months ago or so ! Whatever you did was awesome for the fps~


I just downloaded the game for my Mac. But I can't open it, I think you need to make some adjustments

Thanks! I will start working on it

It's a fun little game so far and I'm curious to see where it goes, so I sent some support your way ;3

I gotta admit, that furry model is what grabbed my attention, so thanks a lot for including it. Might I ask where this model is from or if you made that yourself?

Thank you for your support! :) Well I got it off turbosquid I think but modified and animated by me.

Thanks for the response, I was able to find the model :3

(1 edit)

Are there any levels other than the Gauntlet level in the game as of this update?

because I have not been able to get to any other level and I have already beat the level against all 5 characters.

No in the published version there is only the gauntlet so far, more is on the way. Good job! I get crushed a whole lot, kinda suck at my own game :O 

i hear ya, I've only tried the 2 levels with Megan and Jill so far and reached the goal on both, but boy was it hard to get there with Jill stomping around she was definitely more difficult to avoid, but that also made it fun as well :)

(1 edit)

is there a way i can see what is new, also windows defender is not allowing me to run it, but it allowed me before, so i dont know what to think.

Hi! I had to redesign the whole game so it is a new version so to say. So far you have two levels of the gauntlet and five giant women/men. More is on the way. 

is there a way i can see what is new


Just discovered this game recently and am enjoying it so far. I'll be watching this page and looking forward to more updates. Keep up the good work.

Thank you! Glad you like it!

Also, where did you get that new city model from? For the gauntlet and the title screen?

The city in the title screen is the same as from the old version of Flattened. Bought from a 3d model website, I think it was turbosquid. 

So glad to see another update. The starting over sounds extremely frustrating, sory you had to go through that. But, I can say the newest iteration is absolutely amazing. The performance is miles and miles ahead of before, that is a huge deal. One bug I encountered is that in the straight gauntlet, if you get crushed your mouse disappears and you can't go back to the main menu or restart. I absolutely love the new 2nd city layout though! I also like how the different models walk around at different speeds.


-Sandbox mode for you to just watch the giant crush people / walk around

-Adjust or have options for the camera shaking (I would prefer slightly less)

-Would love the return of craters, but if that affects performance too much, then no. Also related, I'd love it if the feet don't go "into" the floor, and always stay above the ground. I understand if that's hard to do though, not super important. Just being nitpicky.

Looking forward to more updates!

Thank you! Yes it was a lot of work but glad you like it. I will look into your requests!

Is the project abandoned?

No it is not. I was just about to write an update. What has happened is that the last game engine update destroyed a lot in the game. I still have all pieces but I pretty much have to start putting it together from the start. Frustration level is really high but we will have a new and improved Flattened in the end.

Sorry for keeping you waiting :)

That's rough, I'm sorry to hear it. Glad to know you're almost out of the woods though!

Where did you get your male models from?

Base mesh with rig from makehuman

when is the next update coming

Ah, so you made them yourself in makehuman?


Hi! i just downloaded the new update and is pretty cool,  i know your game is a giantess game, but you will add male giant in the new level? i'm sure a lot of people will like it too tho.

Only if it's optional. Most of the playerbase is from


Yes, i mean optional tho. i think would be really great.

Do you think you would ever add a feature to let you play as the giantess?

Yes there will be. The final level is more of a sandbox, and the reason for all the coins

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